July 20 Grad School Admissions Summer Horizons Program on MyUMBC

We’ve just posted an announcement for the Summer Horizons program on MyUMBC. http://my.umbc.edu/groups/promise/events/7117 .  Please register if you plan to attend. If you are an undergraduate student, or if you have been working for a while and are interested in attending graduate school, please consider registering for this free event! This event will feature: a workshop on how to apply to graduate school, a panel of current graduate students who will provide tips for success, and a talk by Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, UMBC‘s President. We’ll see you on July 20!

Summer Horizons Program – July 20th

The Horizons program is sponsored by The UMBC Graduate School, and UMBC’s grant from NSF’s Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) in collaboration with the University of Maryland College Park and the University of Maryland Baltimore.  Our program, PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP, will continue to build upon the excellent results that we achieve through partnering with summer research programs throughout the MD/DC/VA region as well as our LSAMP, McNair, MARC U*STAR and Meyerhoff Scholarship programs, to provide a seamless path through graduate school for all interested students.